About Lisbon Jewellery Center

Founded in 2012, CJLX (Lisbon Jewellery Centre) is dedicated to technical and artistic training, having innovated in creating a unique training offer of courses such as High Jewellery, 3D Design and Micro stone setting. The training structure is developed in the field of know-how (and know-how-create!) and the virtuous intersection of traditional technical skills and new technologies, with creativity.
We encourage technical and creative autonomy - a goal that requires methodology, systematisation of creative and tecnhical processes, interdisciplinarity, research and critical thinking. The training takes place in a practical context and is complemented, depending on the objectives of each course, by fundamental theory of materials, design, technologies and management skills of a jewellery business.

LEARNING through the execution of technical exercises and the creation of original jewellery that promote technical mastery of materials and the understanding of their power as an integral part of the transformation of an idea/concept into something tangible. Development of a critical awareness of the creative process and the results obtained, based on concepts, context awareness, research and experimentation - factors that define the creative identity of the Jewellery Artist.

DIFFERENTIATING SKILLS The preparation of the trainees goes beyond technical and creative skills. Presenting a project, defending a concept, communicating an idea, preparing a proposal, are differentiating skills in a professional in this area.

PROFESSIONAL TRAINING IN A REAL WORK CONTEXT A real professional environment is simulated, with individualised monitoring and the construction of a portfolio, a fundamental element for the future professional, is encouraged.the objective is to prepare trainees for the demands of the professional environment, fundamentally for entrepreneurial initiatives. The entrepreneurial spirit is stimulated and trainees are supported in carrying out personal projects and participating in competitions.

Lisbon Jewellery Centre is aware of the necessary responsibility in the management of its activities, products and services, with professional ethics, transparency, trust and honesty towards its clients and partners - vehicles of the business.

We are certified by DGERT (Direção Geral do Emprego e das Relações de Trabalho - Ministério do Trabalho, Solidariedade e Segurança Social), a quality certification for training activities.